Accelerate the pivot of Ohio State faculty into QISE by supporting both internal discussions and workshops as well as seminars delivered by outside experts to educate our research community on emerging challenges and opportunities.
Amplify the scientific impact of faculty who are research active in QISE by facilitating teaming within the university through a combination of internal workshops, seed funding, and the development of critical research infrastructure.
Establish Ohio State as a regional hub for QISE by fostering external collaborations with partner universities, national labs, and relevant industry.
Identify critical regional and national needs for workforce development in QISE and support the development of curricula and partnerships necessary to address those needs.
Facilitate the training of graduate students and postdocs in QISE through internal discussions and workshops aimed at building ‘quantum literacy’ and developing the necessary expertise to exploit relevant research infrastructure.
Coordinate and facilitate academic/industry connections to support the development of a ‘quantum economy’ by helping relevant stakeholders to understand emerging challenges and opportunities in QISE.
Provide a reservoir of expertise and a forum for local and regional leaders, educators, and the community to consult in assessing emerging challenges and opportunities in QISE.