Welcome To The Quantum Revolution
The emergence of quantum information science and engineering (QISE) rests on fundamental breakthroughs in our ability to understand and control the flow of quantum information, or more formally, quantum entanglement. This control and potential for simultaneous sampling and processing of information is driving a revolution in sensors, communications, and computing.
Quantum Goals
Accelerate the pivot of Ohio State faculty into QISE.
Amplify the science and engineering impact of faculty who are research active in QISE.
Establish Ohio State University as a regional hub for QISE.
Identify critical regional and national needs for workforce development in QISE.
Facilitate the training of graduate students and postdocs in QISE aimed at building ‘quantum literacy’.
Coordinate and facilitate academic/industry connections to support the development of a ‘quantum economy’.
Provide a reservoir of expertise and a forum for local and regional leaders, educators, and the community.
Quantum News