
1 2024

"Strong photon-magnon coupling using a lithographically defined organic ferrimagnet", Adv. Sci. 2024, 2310032, by Qin Xu, Hil Fung Harry Cheung, Donley S. Cormode, Tharnier O. Puel, Huma Yusuf, Michael Chilcote, Michael E. Flatté, Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin and Gregory D. Fuchs. [arXiv:2212.04423, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202310032]

"Enriched string-net models and their excitations", Quantum 8, 1301 (2024), by David Green, Peter Huston, Kyle Kawagoe, David Penneys, Anup Poudel, and Sean Sanford. [arXiv:2305.14068]

 ‘‘Quantum State Tomography for Matrix Product Density Operators," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 70, pp. 5030 - 5056 (2024) by Z. Qin, C. Jameson, Z. Gong, M. B. Wakin, and Z. Zhu [arXiv:2306.09432 DOI:10.1109/TIT.2024.3360951]

"Boundary algebras of the Kitaev Quantum Double model", J. Math. Phys. 65 (2024), no. 10, Paper No. 102201, by Chian Yeong Chuah, Brett Hungar, Kyle Kawagoe, David Penneys, Mario Tomba, Daniel Wallick, and Shuqi Wei. [arXiv:2309.13440 DOI:10.1063/5.0212164]

‘‘On the connection between least squares, regularization, and classical shadows," Quantum 8, 1455 (2024) by Z. Zhu, J. Lukens, and B. Kirby [arXiv:2310.16921 DOI:10.22331/q-2024-08-29-1455]

"Levin-Wen is a gauge theory: entanglement from topology", Comm. Math. Phys. 405 (2024), no. 11, Paper No. 266.Kyle Kawagoe, Corey Jones, Sean Sanford, David Green, and David Penneys. [arXiv:2401.13838, DOI:10.1007/s00220-024-05144-x]

"Temperature-insensitive source for entangled time-frequency quantum photonic states", Defense + Commercial Sensing, Proc. SPIE 13025, Advanced Photon Counting Techniques XVIII, 1302509 (2024), by D. Gauthier and A. Rockovich [DOI:10.1117/12.3017807]

"Quantum Networks – a new platform for Aerospace", AIAA Journal (2024), by K.-A. Brickman Soderberg, D. J. Gauthier, P. G. Kwiat, and R. Srinivas [DOI: 10.2514/1.J063187


2 2023

"Drone-based quantum communication links", Proc. SPIE, Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation III 12446, 124460H (2023), by A. Conrad, S. Isaac, R. Cochran, D. Sanchez-Rosales, T. Rezaei, T. Javid, A. J. Schroeder, G. Golba, D. Gauthier, P. Kwiat [DOI:10.1117/12.2647923]