Student and Staff Involvement

CQISE offers students, staff, and trainees various engagement opportunities through working groups, workshops, seminars, symposia, discussions, and monthly email updates.

Working Groups

Student working groups mobilized around topics such as entangled quantum networks, quantum sensing, or quantum algorithm development will meet monthly to create a space for learning, discussion, and idea generation.

Weekly and Monthly Seminars

In addition to the Frontiers in QISE seminar series in spring 2021 (co-hosted by iOS and IMR), center faculty, staff, and trainees are active participants, organizers, and attendees of several relevant seminar series including speakers active in QISE including:

  • iOS seminar
  • IMR Materials Week and special seminars
  • departmental seminars in ECE, Chemistry and Biochemistry, CSE, MSE, Math, and Physics
  • CQE center participants have access to a variety of streaming seminars from other CQE partners such as the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois, Argonne National Lab, etc.

Participation in QuSTEAM Curriculum Development

Center faculty are playing a leading role in the development of the QuSTEAM curriculum, both in holding leadership positions within the broader collaborative team and in developing new classes at Ohio State with initial offerings in spring 2022 and fall 2022.